Race Results


Race Results for "Jacksonville Hott Shot"

Jacksonville Hott Shot

Date : April 30, 2021

Time : 04:00 am

301 W. Bay Street
Jacksonville,  FL 32202,  USA

Click Here for Results

Contact Email: info@klicktwice.com

Contact Person: 561-281-8330

Description: Jacksonville is the most populous city in Florida, and is the largest city by area in the contiguous United States as of 2020.

Hott Shot Fastest Women
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Jen Snyder 66 16 F 01:06.98   2019
800M Holly Shepherd 65 15 F 03:03.21   1706
1500M Lynn McConnaughey 63 37 F 06:41.12   1658
3000M Tammy D Boals 44 31 F 11:49.09   2011
Hott Shot Fastest Men
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Jason Halter 22 23 M 01:01.22   1722
800M Shane Ellis 23 24 M 02:24.44   1679
1500M Jason Lloyd 55 18 M 05:38.88   1486
3000M Seth Grissom 34 29 M 11:46.61   1546

Name: Robert Vowell | Age: 39 | Bib No: 10 | Age Group: 35 - 39


OP AGP Total Pts   400M Pts 800M Pts 1500M Pts 3000M Pts
18 2 2,594   48:20.00 1 05:33.23 377 07:35.87 1021 15:32.00 1195


400 Meter

OP AGP 400M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
18 2 48:20.00 1 04:06.33 1230.78 24:43.99 762.00

400M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
47:15.00 01:06.00 01:26.24 01:14.73 01:32.29 24:43.99 01:17.28 47:15.00 01:03.45 02:31.60 47:15.00 01:43.33 01:18.89


800 Meter

OP AGP 800M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
12 2 05:33.23 377 04:26.19 818.94 04:49.60 668.00

800M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
47:15.00 06:05.67 04:23.26 02:48.00 04:39.99 04:49.60 04:28.32 47:15.00 05:06.66 03:57.77 47:15.00 05:11.00 02:35.66


1500 Meter

OP AGP 1500M Time Points Avg Time Overall Average Points Over Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
13 2 07:35.87 1021 07:00.73 1167.50 07:30.71 1047.00

1500M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
47:15.00 07:41.12 06:32.24 07:23.43 07:51.61 07:30.71 06:40.60 47:15.00 06:52.92 06:37.81 47:15.00 07:08.81 05:44.87


3000 Meter

OP AGP 3000M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
11 2 15:32.00 1195 14:42.21 1268.94 13:40.39 1368.00

3000M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
47:15.00 15:20.09 15:19.18 15:51.11 14:45.83 13:40.39 16:07.81 47:15.00 12:02.22 13:31.18 47:15.00 13:06.66 16:06.65



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