Race Results


Race Results for "The Race at Dyer"

The Race at Dyer

Date : March 20, 2021

Time : 07:30 am

7301 Haverhill Rd,
West Palm Beach,  FL 33409,  USA

Click Here to View Results

Contact Email: steve@intraningsports.com

Contact Person: 561-281-8330

Description: Dyer Park in West Palm Beach is regarded as one of the top 5 Palm Beach County places that tourists and locals love to visit. Dyer Park (Haverhill Road, West Palm Beach, FL).

Hott Shot Fastest Women
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Kristin Sheets 25 112 F 00:56.00   2376
800M Test 2 json 35 9905 F 01:47.45   2798
1500M Tony Lang 47 188 F 05:40.00   1936
3000M Sophia Landwehr 20 89 F 11:50.00   2009
Hott Shot Fastest Men
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M John Shefler 31 135 M 00:55.00   1988
800M Test t Speir 26 9903 M 01:37.97   2798
1500M Mark Baratta 37 153 M 05:45.00   1465
3000M Peter Ranck 64 215 M 11:50.09   1538

Name: Eileen King | Age: 40 | Bib No: 164 | Age Group: 40 - 44


OP AGP Total Pts   400M Pts 800M Pts 1500M Pts 3000M Pts
78 2 5,291   02:06.00 1213 05:11.11 944 06:41.00 1658 17:06.52 1476


400 Meter

OP AGP 400M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
81 2 02:06.00 1213 01:34.29 1592.33 01:48.64 1375.29

400M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
01:28.25 01:23.73 01:26.19 01:33.11 01:35.72 01:36.17 01:48.64 01:48.76 01:43.00 01:34.85 01:21.44 01:38.50 52:34.00


800 Meter

OP AGP 800M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
76 2 05:11.11 944 04:11.54 1325.86 04:51.28 1074.43

800M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
03:58.99 04:04.97 04:09.65 04:03.02 04:41.50 03:50.53 04:51.28 04:25.52 05:31.92 03:39.32 03:21.5 04:19.21 52:34.00


1500 Meter

OP AGP 1500M Time Points Avg Time Overall Average Points Over Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
29 2 06:41.00 1658 07:26.39 1530.91 08:26.37 1390.29

1500M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
07:28.69 07:02.33 07:39.14 07:11.53 08:39.50 06:31.62 08:26.37 07:02.28 06:50.00 07:22.12 08:03.00 07:25.22 52:34.00


3000 Meter

OP AGP 3000M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
69 2 17:06.52 1476 14:19.26 1713.52 14:43.81 1721.29

3000M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
12:21.15 12:40.71 14:50.17 14:46.06 15:35.24 14:07.08 14:43.81 14:43.58 18:01.00 14:00.22 15:40.16 14:12.41 52:34.00



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