Race Results


Race Results for "West Palm Invitational"

West Palm Invitational

Date : September 25, 2020

Time : 07:30 am

2213 Flager Drive
West Palm Beach,  FL 33409,  USA

Click HERE to see results

Contact Email: steve@intraningsports.com

Contact Person: 561-281-8330

Description: West Palm Beach is a city in South Florida. It's separated from neighboring Palm Beach by the Lake Worth Lagoon. Downtown’s Clematis Street and CityPlace districts are filled with restaurants, shops, bars and clubs.

Hott Shot Fastest Women
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Sarah Shefler 43 170 F 00:55.00   2413
800M Emily Smith 21 94 F 02:42.00   1932
1500M Sharla Mathes 67 225 F 05:44.00   1914
3000M Betsy Turner 46 185 F 11:50.09   2009
Hott Shot Fastest Men
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M John Sheets 31 135 M 00:56.00   1940
800M Adam Goulet 39 161 M 02:40.00   1495
1500M Rick Anderson 20 84 M 05:40.00   1482
3000M Wally Turner 61 216 M 11:50.00   1538

Name: Ronald Rafferty | Age: 54 | Bib No: 205 | Age Group: 50 - 54


OP AGP Total Pts   400M Pts 800M Pts 1500M Pts 3000M Pts
19 1 5,005   01:51.22 1068 02:40.87 1488 07:35.00 1026 13:08.00 1423


400 Meter

OP AGP 400M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
64 1 01:51.22 1068 01:35.12 1239.56 01:35.17 1229.00

400M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
16:03.00 01:24.53 01:37.12 01:48.57 01:25.82 01:45.44 01:47.66 01:36.11 01:35.17 01:38.91 01:34.71 01:11.29 01:16.81


800 Meter

OP AGP 800M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
2 1 02:40.87 1488 04:16.20 883.85 03:52.36 1042.00

800M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
16:03.00 05:02.34 04:19.60 03:57.18 04:15.96 03:27.99 04:44.94 04:00.02 03:52.36 03:39.76 04:37.29 03:30.58 04:35.5


1500 Meter

OP AGP 1500M Time Points Avg Time Overall Average Points Over Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
45 1 07:35.00 1026 07:37.79 996.96 07:29.02 1034.60

1500M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
16:03.00 07:42.68 07:40.80 07:33.75 08:20.42 07:31.98 07:31.35 07:26.17 07:29.02 07:11.27 08:46.13 06:44.00 06:34.5


3000 Meter

OP AGP 3000M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
36 1 13:08.00 1423 14:44.36 1247.89 15:18.70 1196.20

3000M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
16:03.00 13:07.90 15:09.63 14:19.66 15:01.45 14:04.44 16:13.29 15:12.71 15:18.70 15:47.85 12:15.48 14:58.37 17:00.5



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