Race Results


Race Results for "Hott Shot in the Park"

Hott Shot in the Park

Date : September 26, 2021

Time : 08:00 am

Central Park South (59th Street)
New York,  New York 10022,  USA

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Contact Email: steve@gottado.biz

Contact Person: 561-281-8330

Description: Central Park, in New York City located between the Upper West and Upper East Sides of Manhattan.

Hott Shot Fastest Women
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Cathrine Kindred 54 530 F 00:53.00   2488
800M Kathy McClellan 34 514 F 02:24.44   2166
1500M Cindy Sheffer 58 512 F 05:17.22   2065
3000M Erin Dick 60 546 F 11:40.55   2033
Hott Shot Fastest Men
Race Name Age Bib No. M/F Time   Pts
400M Chris Thomas 18 520 M 00:57.99   1850
800M Gerrick Behr 16 536 M 02:30.87   1591
1500M Marshall Hughes 34 541 M 05:27.06   1536
3000M Stephen Plummer 56 523 M 11:43.33   1553

Name: Erin Dick | Age: 60 | Bib No: 546 | Age Group: 60 -64


OP AGP Total Pts   400M Pts 800M Pts 1500M Pts 3000M Pts
21 2 6,139   01:27.20 1573 05:02.88 999 07:19.99 1534 11:40.55 2033


400 Meter

OP AGP 400M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
12 1 01:27.20 1573 01:28.38 1659.04 01:45.60 1403.00

400M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
01:27.81 01:31.18 01:04.94 34:55.00 01:16.88 01:28.89 01:32.10 34:55.00 01:28.75 01:50.12 01:45.60 34:55.00 34:55.00


800 Meter

OP AGP 800M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
17 2 05:02.88 999 03:47.89 1490.76 03:49.72 1499.50

800M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
02:56.21 03:23.33 05:57.44 34:55.00 02:45.47 02:33.66 04:12.82 34:55.00 03:56.37 04:04.50 03:49.72 34:55.00 34:55.00


1500 Meter

OP AGP 1500M Time Points Avg Time Overall Average Points Over Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
20 1 07:19.99 1534 06:45.50 1678.84 07:52.53 1475.00

1500M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
07:00.26 06:10.19 06:10.75 34:55.00 06:06.90 05:49.87 07:03.48 34:55.00 07:14.03 05:17.22 07:52.53 34:55.00 34:55.00


3000 Meter

OP AGP 3000M Time Points Avg Time Overall Avg Pts Overall Avg Time Age Grp Avg Pts Age Grp
1 1 11:40.55 2033 14:54.37 1667.36 14:01.53 1776.00

3000M Average Time Age Groups

0-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70+
15:34.29 14:33.43 12:52.27 34:55.00 16:39.66 15:44.65 15:23.19 34:55.00 14:26.66 15:39.44 14:01.67 34:55.00 34:55.00



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